Thursday, July 28, 2011

Garage Sales, Beaches and Birthdays!

Instead of getting my maternity clothes, and the kids clothes that they have already grow out of, they're growing so fast, I'm posting on my blog :)

It's hard to believe, Cameron is only 3 months old, but he has grown out of half of his wardrobe. Marty and I have decided, he's going to be wearing the same size as Mackenzie very soon and he'll be much taller than her in no time. He's so tall and her so short. 6 inches separates the 2 of them. Anyhow, they both have a lot of clothes they've grown out of that will be going to the garage sale. Mackenzie also has clothes that still fit her, such as winter pajamas, but they won't fit her when it's cold enough to wear them again. And I am not planning on having any more kids, so bye bye maternity clothes! On top of cleaning out draws and getting rid of clothes that are currently, lets hope I'm able to meet people interested in trying out some Mary Kay and maybe winning the New York, New You makeover contest! Good luck new customers!

Finally, after the garage sale, it's beach time!!! We're all heading to South Haven for the weekend. Hanging out on the beach with Marty and the kids, plus, dad, Carol, Courtney, Danielle and Taylor should be a lot of fun! The kid's have never been to the beach with anyone except me and Marty. Maybe Mackenzie will get more time in the lake since she loves swimming so much. But, obviously she can't be in the lake on her own.

On top of the fact that I love the beach, and a weekend on Lake Michigan is just totally awesome, it's my birthday on Saturday. I get to have my favorite things on my birthday; the beach, my kids, Marty, my family and we're going out for sushi for my birthday dinner! Sounds like a perfect birthday to me!!!

And finally, Cameron's getting his 3 month pictures taken and we're doing our very first family pictures while in South Haven! Now who gets to have family pictures taken at the beach? I know many people have their senior pictures taken, but family pictures, I've never seen it. Sounds pretty cool to me!!!

I'll be posting pictures after the weekend, when all of this has actually happened :)

I can't wait!!!


  1. you have some fun stuff coming up! I can't wait to see pictures from the beach. have fun!

  2. Can't wait to see the family pictures! Sounds like you are going to have good weather too...Perfect weekend all round!
