Monday, August 17, 2015


We've had the busiest summer ever, I think. I can't believe it's almost time for school to start up again. However, I'm also very excited for it. I start at a new school this year as well as Cameron. Last year he was at our catholic preschool, this year he enters the public school system and will be at the same school as his sister. He will be in the same class she had last year and she will be in kindergarten!!! 

All summer we have had time at the beach, been to the air zoo and the children's museum. Along with sleep overs, garage sales, and parties of all kinds. We've been to birthday parties, a family reunion, a wedding, anniversary parties, and even more to come.

Swimming lessons
Beach days!
Activities at the library
Museum fun
Anniversary parties!
Birthday parties!
Finally, George, Courtney's new goat we got her for her birthday.