Friday, January 27, 2012

Living Life

This week has been nothing special. Monday was my Mary Kay meeting. Tuesday Mackenzie had therapy. I do love watching her. She's doing so well. One of the coolest things is to see her thinking, "how do I move my mouth to say those words?" Yesterday, Mackenzie had in home therapy and did a great job, like usual. Today we went and did our grocery shopping. As we were leaving Mackenzie said "bye-bye Bubba," that's one of the first times she's used a 2 word phrase! We also started her chore chart a couple days ago and she has done great with it. She picks up her toys just so she can mark it on her chart :) She's just too cute. Tomorrow I'm having my first Mary Kay party since October. I'm pretty excited about that. Granted, it's in Indiana and its supposed to snow all night so I'm not looking forward to the drive. I'm really hoping its not icy.

Well, have a great weekend, I know I will. I get to spend Sunday with my husband and kids and I can't wait for that!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nothing Much

There hasn't been much going on here lately. Just back into our normal routine.

Mackenzie went back to therapy, Cameron is sick again, and we've had a lot of snow and really cold weather. We had so much snow on Thursday Mackenzie's play group was cancelled, but since school wasn't cancelled, her speech pathologist made a home visit to work with her. Mackenzie had a lot of fun when Megan comes over, she always brings new toys to play with. Yesterday, the kids and I went to my cousins birthday party while Marty took a car to his dads. Today, Marty is working and the 3 of us are going to Papa and Gege's for dinner, dads awesome fried chicken.

This coming week is just a normal week for us. Mary Kay meeting tomorrow, school Tuesday and Thursday and I have a Mary Kay party on Saturday in Garrett, IN. That should be fun!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Its getting round again!

We had Cameron's check up today to measure growth of his head. 1 month ago he got his helmet because of an 11 mm difference in his diagonal measurements. Today his diagonal measurements were only 5 mm different! If he continues to grow as fast as he did this past month, he could be out of his helmet 2 months early!!!

In other news, Mackenzie and Cameron have been sharing a room for almost 9 months now. This weekend Marty and I moved into the basement and moved Cameron into our room. It's been great! We don't have to worry about making sure they're quiet at nap time and night time. Mackenzie has been taking her longer naps again and hasn't been getting woke up too early in the morning. We've had fewer and fewer fits since the move too! Yay!!!

Mackenzie has school tomorrow then relaxing and finishing the rest of the small things this week.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


On new years day and Monday, it finally snowed. It's not the first time it snowed here this winter, but it was the first time there was enough snow for Mackenzie to play in!

Since Cameron has a cold, I put him down for his nap and I took Mackenzie out to play and shovel the driveway. It was the first time she has ever played in snow! It wasn't wet enough to make snowballs or a snowman but she was able to toss it up and watch it fall, which she loved doing!

She had a great time and I can wait to help her build her first snowman the next time!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!

Marty and I rang in the new year last night together, at home. The kids were in bed and we looked at old pictures and took new pictures. We had a lot of fun hanging out, just the 2 of us.

We spent a couple hours at Marty's moms for Christmas today. She made yummy meatballs for lunch, we opened gifts and watch some Lions football. We didn't stay long because we were beginning to get bad weather. When we got home, I made new potato and ham soup. It was the first time I made it and it turned out great! Now, Marty is back to work, driving, on bad roads and sometimes whiteout conditions. It's nights like this I really worry.

Since it's a new year I've made some resolutions.
1. Get healthy, which, of course, includes losing weight, but also eating a lot healthier and exercising at least 4 days per week.
2. Ask for help when I need it so I don't get burnt out.
3. Have patience!

I've really got to work on these. Wish me luck and Happy New Year!