Thursday, March 22, 2012


I have not had the chance to focus on just one thing lately.

Cameron has been sick for, it seems like ever. About 2 weeks, but he just got over a cold right before he got sick again. So I noticed last Tuesday, the 13th that he was getting sick again and so did his therapist. But I'm not one to run right to the dr. Since they can't do anything for a cold anyways. Thursday, his therapist, Gail, expressed that she thought he may have an ear infection. I didn't really think so, so I waited. Well, Friday he started tugging on his ear so I called and had an appointment on Saturday morning. We seen a nurse, it was Saturday and there's only 1 dr there on Saturdays, and a lot of sick kids. She checked him out, it's just a cold, she said. Ok. I didn't think so, but I'll listen to you. He got progressively worse and hardly slept. I was up 5 times throughout saturday, Sunday and Monday nights. Tuesday we seen Gail again and she expressed her opinion again. It's not just a cold. We're on the same page :) So I made another appointment for that afternoon and seen a dr. He has an ear infection in his right ear (told you so) and a virus in his chest. I knew it was more than a cold.

On top of all of that, Miss Mackenzie has an attitude. She wants to do her own thing whenever she wants to do it and throws a fit if she doesn't get to. Typical 2 year old! Thank goodness for Papa and Gege. They're having a sleep over tomorrow night. I get the night to my self! Kids gone and Marty at work!!! A movie and removing wallpaper in my plans!!! I'm so excited!!!

We're also trying to plan Cameron's birthday party. I'm thinking a bowling party at airway lanes. I just don't want to go to Chuck E Cheese again. It's too crazy there. I know he's only 1 and isn't going to remember, and everyone thinks I should just have 4 parties for him (not gonna happen) but I think he deserves it and it'll be fun for the adults too.

Plus, I'm still job hunting. I'm hoping to find something soon. I've applied for 5 jobs last night and a lot more before that. I've also put my resume on career builder and the Michigan talent bank. There's a ton of jobs out there but to get bills paid I have to have full time and at least $10 an hour. There's not a lot of those jobs. It's a lot of work. I'm still wanting to hear from the post office but it's been a whole so I don't know if they found someone or not.

So, just busy with everything lately. Have to do my job hunting for the day before the kids get up from their nap!

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