Thursday, March 29, 2012

Parties and Interviews

I'm pretty excited at the moment. Tuesday I received an email to call or send my resume about a job offer. I decided to call since the subject of the email was, I saw your resume online. So, Wednesday I called and I now have an interview! It's for an American Income Life insurance agency. But not to be an agent (thank goodness). It seems I always get things saying call and be an agent. That is not what I want at all. However, this job is to work for an agent. They have 3 openings, 1 in HR and 2 in sales. Hopefully I'll like it and they'll like me. I'm really in need a job.

We have finally made plans for Cameron's birthday party. Sunday April 15th at 4, right here at home. Really hoping the weather is nice because we have a small house. Anyways, decoration is Sesame Street!!! We ordered a sesame street cake from meijer and I will be buying the decorations there as well. I'm going to try and find a balloon bouquet of sesame street too. We're even getting him a sesame street toy. Obviously he loves sesame street at the moment. And I'm really getting into the theme! I'm even planning on making loot bags with homemade sugar cookies that show the letter of the day - C, and the number of the day - 1! I'm hoping it's going to be fun and drama free. All of these families together, who knows what will happen.

Other than that, we've had a pretty easy week. I had my mk meeting Monday, raked the leaves from last fall on Tuesday and finished on Wednesday, delivered some mk today, no plans tomorrow, a mk party on Saturday, and dinner with Marty's grandma Sunday.

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