Thursday, November 13, 2014

Veterans Day

What does Veterans Day mean to you? Do you have any Veterans Day traditions? A small town parade? Buying a poppy from the VFW?

We don't do anything special on veterans days usually. There is a parade in town here, but I completely forgot about it. And I was "cordially invited" to the Veterans Day festivities at school since I'm a veteran. However, it was at 8:30 and I was dropping Cameron off at school :/

Veterans Day is a day to remember all of those who served, made that oath, wrote that check for up to and including their life. And many of those checks were cashed. We remember and thank those contagious people past and present. Without them we wouldn't have all of the freedoms that many of us take for granted everyday. 

There are many family members and friends that I love who have served. And I personally say thank you. 
My dad, served in the Michigan Army National Guard
My cousin, served in US Marine Corps. Deployed to Djioubouti, Africa in 1999
An myself, U.S. Army Michigan National Guard

Remember those military members on Veterans Day, Memorial Day, and every other day in between!

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