Friday, November 29, 2013

What are you thankful for? Thanksgiving 2013

This year I am thankful for the family that always fights, wasn't fighting this year. And we were comfortable enough to take the kids to that dinner!

Every year we are crazy busy on Thanksgiving anyways because we have so many different families to visit.

We start Thanksgiving off at Marty's moms house at noon. The entire family packs into her little house. But there's a ton of yummy food and football, along with visiting with everyone, so it's worth it!

This year, after Shelly's house, we stopped in at my grandmas so see my moms family. My mom, brother, aunts, uncles and cousins all gather. And of course, now, the house is really filling up with all of our kids playing all over the place. But more yummy food and family, and this year, no fighting, makes it worth it.

Finally, every year we finish the day, able to fully relax, at Carol's brother, Uncle Doug and Aunt Leslie's house. A ton of food, a ton of family and friends, a few drinks, football. It is my favorite stop on Thanksgiving. And the food is usually the best as well. There's more space there, than anywhere else and the kids still have someone else to play with a different toys.

On 2 side notes, I, amazingly enough, didn't gain any weight yesterday!!! And the Lions killed the Packers, 40-10! Now that made for a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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