Saturday, September 8, 2012


Has been on the back burner for a bit. Marty got me all the necessities for me to make a dress for my birthday (I of course picked it all out, including the pattern) but I haven't made it yet. I've washed the material and cut out the pattern. However, once I started reading the directions, I began to get nervous, so I didn't do anything with it. Until today. The kids spent the night with my mom and I have a break before I have to be back to work, so I decided to work on it again.

I was right to be nervous about it. The material is so hard to work with so it's taking a lot longer to do than I had planned. Good thing the kids aren't here. There's no way I could do any of it if they were.

I had to take a break at the moment to get some lunch and give my back a break. It is not easy to half way bend over for an hour. Plus, I worked this morning and that always does a number on my back. I really wished we had a jacuzzi tub.

Enough here for now. I need to get my lunch and get back to my dress.

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