Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

Our labor day weekend started off just like every other weekend! Nothing special. Friday the kids and I were in the area so we stopped by my dads for a few minutes. Dad is getting a new truck! He's wanted on since Courtney was born. They also went to Courtney's new apartment and had dinner in Jackson. After stopping at dads, the kids and I came home and spent the night just hanging out.

Saturday Marty got home!!! We were up a bit earlier than usual. Marty, the kids and I went to IHOP for brunch. It was very yummy I think. Then the kids spent a couple hours at Marty's mom, Grandma Shelly's house while we went a I upgraded my phone!!! So excited, I now have an iPhone 4! It's so much faster than my 3G. We also took a trip to the mall so I could get a cheaper case for my phone and we could get Marty's brother a birthday card. Every time we go to the mall, Marty and I have to check out what they have in Spencer's. I couldn't believe it, we found a Barney blanket for Mackenzie. I have been looking for material to make her a Barney blanket with absolutely no luck. I would have never thought to look in Spencer's. Once we were done, we picked up the kids and came home. I had planned on making stuffed peppers for dinner. I got the peppers put together and covered and we got on our way to Courtney's new apartment!
 Marty driving to Courtney's
Mackenzie on our way to Courtney's. She was exhausted, only napped for about 45 minutes. Hence, she cried for about 25 minutes, continuously, on our way there.

Once we arrived at Ney-ney's, I popped the peppers in the oven, 45 minutes later, dinner was ready. I hadn't made the peppers for probably 2 years and I forgot how much I liked them! Which reminds me, I have to get her the recipe. After dinner, Mackenzie made a mess!
 Playing with Aunt Ney-ney's pillows. They also made a fort but I didn't get a picture of that :(
Puffs all over the table

Even if it is messy, her apartment is totally adorable.

After dinner we all just visited and Mackenzie, of course, played.
 Cameron gets his dinner now
 Too much excitement for this little guy

 She was so tired...
...but she kept playing so she wouldn't fall asleep!

We left pretty late, and thank goodness, both kids slept on the way home!
On our way home

Sunday, we didn't do much. Marty's mom came over for a few hours. Marty changed the oil in everyone's car. We had a nice lunch that was supposed to be on the grill, until we ran out of gas. Our brats had to be finished cooking on the stove. Oh well, they were still yummy :) For the rest of the day the kids, Marty and I just spent some quality time at home. That doesn't happen very often around here.

Labor day, there was a gathering of car guys at Gingerman Raceway in South Haven. Grandma Shelly watched the kids again for a few hours so Marty and I could check that out. It was pretty cool. For a girl, who doesn't know a lot about cars, and doesn't really care too much about them, it just ends up being time spent with Marty without the kids. Marty, however, loves cars and everything about them, so he enjoyed himself immensely. After Gingerman, we picked up the kids and headed to Papa and Grandma's for Labor day dinner. Dad made BBQ ribs, corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, and baked beans. (I think he probably just cooked the meat like usual, and Carol did the rest in the kitchen.) Not positive though :) No matter who cooked it, it was very yummy. That's only to be expected of course. It was Mackenzie's first time to have ribs and she loved them. We arrived back home about 7:30 and relaxed until bed. 
It was a great weekend and Marty didn't have to work any of it, which made it 10x better!

Happy Labor Day!!!

Oh, and today I got a call from Early On about Mackenzie's therapy. She starts Tuesday, 2 times a week. Every Tuesday she's in a therapy playgroup at Washington St. Elementary just down the road. Every other Thursday she is also in a smaller playgroup at the school, and the other Thursdays, they come to our house for 1-on-1 therapy. I'm so excited for her. I think she would be excited as well, if she knew what I was talking about! :)

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a good weekend! I would like your pepper recipe as well:) Thinking about Mackenzie as she starts her therapy !
