Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Austin Porter Remembered

Austin Porter was my neighbor since I was 5 years old. He was 1 when we moved in. I've known him for 20 years. Growing up, he had 2 older sister who were my age, so we played together all the time. We would all play barbies in Holly's room and play house in the basement. In the summer we were everywhere in the neighborhood. We rode bikes, swam in their pool all day long, played Cowboys and Indians, baseball, football and basketball. We rode the bus to and from school together and when we were old enough to drive, we carpooled.
 Austin loved Tae Kwon Do. He was a 2nd degree Black Belt

Thursday, September 15th, started as a completely normal day and ended in a total shock for me, and many other people. Austin was running late for work. A train was coming. He tried to go around the railroad crossing arms and while on the tracks his car died and he wasn't able to get out the way of the train. Of course, a car-train accident will be on the news, and I watch the news almost everyday. When I first watched that news clip, I thought, what an idiot. 2 hours later, I found out on facebook, that "idiot" was Austin. It was a shock. I was just catching up with him a month ago, when I went to his parents house and he was home. Mackenzie had formed a little girl crush :) Totally cute! Her and his daughter, Gabby, are close in age, so they like to play when we're around.
Austin and his daughter Gabby

I hadn't been to a funeral in 5 years now. I never thought the next one I would be at would be for someone my own age. I attended his funeral yesterday. I really was a nice funeral, as far as funerals go. It was at a Lifestory funeral home so they made a video, pamphlet and even a web page all about Austin's life and the things he loved doing. He spent most of his free time with his friends, when he wasn't able to see Gabby. He also spent much of his time with Tae Kwon Do and hip hop dancing. He loved his life and everyone in it.

I will always remember Austin as the little boy next door. (Every time the news said the 21 year old man, I told the tv he wasn't a man, he was the little boy next door :) But I won't forget the time spent with him as a kid or even just a month ago.

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