Saturday, August 31, 2013


I've been looking into preschool around here for Mackenzie this year. I figured that she's at the age to start. Turn out, her 4th birthday is 22 days after the cut off. So no formal school for her this year.

Since she can't go to school this year, we're going to have school at home. Every morning, Monday through Thursday. Friday she had dance class again. I've been doing a lot of research and putting things together (still in the process), and deciding on themes, books and activities to make it fun for both kids.

First things first, we start with identifying letters and numbers. The basics :) We will also work on her spelling her name, learning her address and our phone numbers. I have already figured out a few "field trips" to incorporate what they will be leaning. We're planning on going to the children's museum once every 2 months when they change their themes, a couple trips to the Frederick Meijer Gardens to learn, this fall, about leaves, and again in the spring, to the butterfly exhibit. At least 2 times a month to the library to exchange the books we will be using with our themes and to a program weekly at the elementary school called tots and tunes. That should get them a bit more time to socialize with other kids. As we find more things to do and incorporate I will add those in as well.

The kids have said that they're excited to do it, and I hope I can keep them excited for the year. With field trips and activities and crafts that I have planned, I may be able to keep them interested.

I will keep my blog updated with this for sure! Happy new school year!

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