Monday, August 29, 2011


I had the plan meeting with the Early On team! Mackenzie is 10 months behind with her speech, with the speech of an 11 month old. So, we will be taking her to speech therapy at one of the elementary schools here in town. Just around the corner so that will be good.

She will spend 1-2 hours each week at the therapy group, where she will get to meet some of her peers. That will be good, we don't know kids her age except 2 cousins who don't live close at all. They will also teach her baby sign language and incorporate words at the same time. It was explained to me that, "if she could talk, she would talk." So until she's able to talk, we will be using sign language, and once she begins talking, sign will go to the wayside. That works for me, any way of her communicating is better than nothing, she gets so frustrated sometimes. That should start either next week or the week after. I can't wait!

On the flip side, Cameron is one big, healthy boy. He had his 4 month check up last Thursday. He weighs 15 lbs, 8 oz and is 26.5 inches. He's going to be taller than his sister in no time. He's only 8 lbs lighter and 4 inches shorter than her now. Cameron also rolls from his back to his tummy and to his back again. He can lift up onto his elbows, not his hands yet. He can also get onto his knees, just not at the same times as his elbows. That will come with time, but I think it'll be sooner than Mackenzie did. We will see!

Happy learning and growing!!!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for Mackenzie that she finds her voice! she is so smart already I dont think it will be hard for her.
    Cameron is growing so fast- I loved squeezing on him :)
