Monday, March 21, 2016

St. Patty's Day and Induction

We don't usually do anything special for St. Patrick's Day but this year Brian was playing music at a local bar so we decided to go listen. We had a great time and Marty was able to stay this time. Last year he had to work early and left just after the band started. 
Sunday I had induction into Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society. Marty and the kids, Dad, Carol, Danielle, Taylor and my mom all came for me. For many that were being inducted with me said it wasn't a big deal, most had been in NHS in high school. I however wasn't so it was a huge deal for me. And to include the fact that I was one of the oldest there, have awesome grades and "work" full time because of my kids on top of my school work, I'm really proud of myself. 

And just some pictures of my beautiful family. 
Marty and I saw this comedians show at LaughFest last weekend.

Sunday, March 13, 2016


I have recently been invited to apply for membership in Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society. I decided I'd give it a shot and apply. I didn't tell anyone except Marty it case I didn't get accepted. I was contacted this morning and I WAS ACCEPTED!!! This is a huge deal for me personally. I've never been in any honor society, let alone one like this! I have my induction ceremony on Sunday and I'm really looking forward to being a part of the group. 

On Saturday, I'm also going to be a judge for history day at school. I will be judging high school students history projects, papers, etc. and I'm really looking forward to this as well. And now on to getting my homework done for this coming week since it's my last night of spring break.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Medical update

For the last year I've been seeing an urologist and a nephrologist for CKD and chronic infections. I have been referred to an urologist at the University of Michigan for a second opinion. Today was my first appointment.

First, the office the dr is in is pretty comfortable to be in and the staff, for the most part, is helpful and friendly. And the dr is very nice, explains things that need to be explained and wants to take everything slow. He is trying to go the least invasive route if possible. The dr wants to do a couple tests to begin and go from there. I go back in 3 weeks for a test that checks the amount of pressure my bladder uses (is that the right word? I don't know but I'm using it) when I urinate. He wants to do another test to check the function of each kidney, but I am not able to get on the schedule until August so I don't know if we will do that one or not. Once we get the results for the first test we will know more about the plan of action from there.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The New Year!

It's a couple weeks into the new year were doing great in the Lash house. Marty is doing great driving, enjoying the loads he's getting and, until this week, the roads haven't been bad. The kids and I jumped right back into school and doing great. Mackenzie's still doing amazing in all subjects and loves school. Cameron loves going to school and is learning a lot. We're doing extra letter and writing practice at home. His fine motor control still needs work while writing his name and he gets really frustrated when writing his "e". His first conferences are on Monday and I'm looking forward to those. I have 4 new classes this semester; macroeconomics (which Idespise), American constitutional foundations (which is really good content but taught by a really boring professor), teaching reading (which is also good content with a boring professor, but the textbooks are a good read, they don't read like textbooks), and finally diverse prospectives in education (I don't know what that ones like, it's scheduled once a week and was cancelled this week), but I'm looking forward to jumping into that. 

The kids are still loving their dance classes and are starting to learn the recital dances. We can't wait for the recital in May. 

And some pictures!