Wednesday, November 18, 2015

This time of year is busy!

It has been so busy around here. I feel like we never have down time to just spend time together. With that said, the holidays are coming so it's bound to be even busier. While trying to get all of the end of semester work done (which takes forever!) I'm also getting the house presentable because we have Mackenzie's birthday party Saturday. She's going swimming then having people over for food, cake and presents. She can't wait! She picked Inside Out as her theme for the party. I'm looking forward to it, this will be her first gender neutral party so it's easier for me when it comes to the boys at the party. Sunday we will be taking her to get her ears pierced. She asked us for that and tennis shoes for her birthday. 

Monday is her birthday, 6 years old. Time just flies. We have school and she has dance Monday night and she can't wait to go on her birthday. She also gets to take a birthday treat into school on Monday and they are having a thanksgiving dinner for lunch. That should be exciting. 

Tuesday night we have her first conferences. I'm looking forward to that. I know she's a good student and very respectful, I just like the confirmation from the teacher. Plus there was a period about a month ago where I didn't think she was making new friends. It will be nice to follow up with her teacher about that. 

Wednesday Marty and I will be married 8 years. That's hard for me to believe it's really been that long. I can't really remember life before Marty and I love how close we've gotten over the years. Even though sometimes I think I married his dad (Marty acts just like him sometimes. And does the same things to me that he complains to me that his dad does to him) and it drives me crazy. However, I still love him and would want to live life any other way.

Thursday's thanksgiving!!! I can't wait to celebrate and spend time with family. I am thankful for family and the short break from school.