She's the girl in the white tutu in the background, spinning.
I've been busier than I ever thought I could be while being a student. The only time I really have for myself is the weekends after the kids are in bed. That's the only time I don't have to worry about anyone else and I don't do any homework. I'm either in class, driving to or from school or taking the kids to whatever they have to do.
Both kids have had major dr appointments this last week. Monday I took Cameron to the dermatologist. We are keeping an eye on a mole he has next to his nipple. They want to see him back in 6 months for a recheck. It's looking ok for now. Mackenzie has started to have migraines so she had to go to her pediatrician as a first step. We are monitoring her for now. She was told if she feels like she's getting a headache at school she needs to go get medicine from the office ASAP. The dr is hoping that will work. We go back in 6 weeks for a check up. If that doesn't work we need to call the dr and she will set up an appointment with a neurologist to check her out. We feel that at only almost 6 years old that she should not be put on imitrex or anything else so strong unless absolutely needed.
We had our annual trip to Gull Meadow Farms for apples to make applesauce with Papa and GG. As always, we all had a great time and loved all the family time!
Finally, we got ourselves a new dog. Her name is Rosie. She's a sharpei, Doberman and Labrador mix and she's about 4.5 years old. We weren't planning on getting another dog yet but I'm sure she was meant to be ours. The day we got her, I told Marty that I missed having a dog in the house and wanted to THINK about getting one. Someone else was looking at her when we left the adoption event for a bit, but she wouldn't get along with their dog. When we came back she was ready to see us again. Anyways, she's shown her personality and she fits right into our family. She's queen of this castle!