Thursday, March 21, 2013


So I have a new update.

I finally got on the scale. I've dropped almost 8 lbs. Just tons for hard work and eating right! I feel great and I'm very happy. I've been doing strength and cardio and I've improved at least a little on my cardio. I've improved quite a bit in the strength department :) I was doing leg workouts and arms for a few weeks, along with the stationary bike. I've decided to start running. I've been out twice, and then it snowed again. I can't wait for spring to get out and run. It clears my head and relieves strees (even though I really suck :)). Last week I got myself a Jillian Michaels workout DVD. 30 day shred. I've started on level 1. I think tonight I'm going to give a try on level 2. It's great!

I've found some great healthy recipes. I made chicken kabobs at only 176 calories a skewer. We like boiled dinner here so I'm using red skin potatoes, cabbage and turkey smoked sausage so it's a bit healthier. There's a few more I've found that I'm going to be making soon. I can't wait! They've all turned out so yummy!

Have to get back to the kids. Enjoy!!!

Friday, March 8, 2013


Yet again, nothing new around her :) Just been going about daily stuff lately.

Yesterday I made Mackenzie's Easter dress! It had its challenging parts, which I like and it's hard parts. I only had to use my seam ripper once! And that's just because something wasn't even. She asked me in January to make her dress instead of buying one for her. She likes to be able to help pick out the material and colors and "accessories" like ribbon and flowers. We picked out a light pink with bold pink and green flowers. It turned out very nice and she's in love with it. It's a longer dress which she likes and it's hard to find long dresses for little girls.

Today we found out that she gets to have her pictures taken in her dance outfit! I'm pretty happy about that. She's so excited for her rehearsal in May. And so am I. It's the cutest dance and with a bunch of 3 year olds dancing, it's even cuter!

About my changes... I haven't been on the scale so I don't know numbers, but I've worked out everyday for the last 14 and really watched what I've been eating too. I feel better weather I've lost any weight yet or not. I'm supposed to have a rest day tomorrow, but I skipped my last one because I got have way through the day and felt guilty that I hadn't had a workout yet, so we'll see. I'll keep updating on my progress!

It was great weather today, about 45. And it's supposed to be almost 50 tomorrow! I can't wait for spring to be here!