Wednesday, November 28, 2012

5 Years Later!

Sunday Marty and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary!!! Sometimes it feels like just yesterday we had our crazy, speedy wedding and other times it feels like a lot more than 5 years :) It really wasn't a day much different than any other day.

Courtney had an arbonne party at noon so I went to that. It's all natural face cleansers and cosmetics, plus a few supplements. However, I'm obviously a faithful user of Mary Kay and I'm not good with supplements on a regular basis, so I didn't end up getting anything. But I had a good time and was able to soften my feet in the foot soak they had.

Afterwards we too the kids to Marty's moms for the night. We were planning on having dinner at Clementines in south haven but by the time we dropped the kids off, we were too tired and hungry to drive all the way out there. We ended up trying out a new (to us) tap house. Neither of us drink much beer but we love places like that since they usually have really good food. And let's face it, Marty and I love food :) So we had our dinner at Central City Tap House in downtown kalamazoo. It was pretty good and I'd be willing to go back.

After dinner I made Marty suffer through walking in the Christmas lights with me. There's not a lot in Kalamazoo so that only killed about 10 minutes. We even made a trip to Walmart. Marty told me he wanted to get me some earrings and couldn't find them when he looked that morning. He found them. Detroit lions earrings and a watch :) I of course will be sporting them every Sunday. My husband knows me so well :)

No special occasion could be complete without work as well. After Walmart we had to get Marty's dad semi truck and loaded trailer. That probably would have made me mad but I've spent my "honeymoon", a birthday or two, and I can't tell you how many holidays in a semi in other states, so that's just normal for us.

For dessert we went to McDonalds. Marty got an eggnog shake and I had hit chocolate.

We were home by 9:30 and I was in bed by 10. This is what we did after 5 years, I can only imagine what 20 years will be :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Mackenzie is 3!!!

Friday was Mackenzie's third birthday! It's so hard to believe that it's been 3 years now.

I had to work so when I got home Mackenzie got her presents from us. We got her a new Barbie and 5 outfits, shoes and purses for her Barbie. She played with her Barbie all day!

We had her party on Saturday and Chuck E Cheese. We didn't do the big party with them but they allow you to take cake and presents in. It wasn't too many people or overwhelming at all. There were the 4 of us, dad, Carol and Taylor, Marty's mom, brother, sister in law and niece, Morgan. We had pizza for everyone and we took in a cake. Mackenzie got her gifts and had a ball playing with Taylor and Morgan. GG put together a dress up box for her with a bunch of Halloween costumes, shoes, jewelry, crowns and wands. When we got home she tried on every costume in that box. That was a big hit. She also got a mailbox with letters and stamps. It's supposed to help her learn sorting size. She's been playing with that on and off since she got it, too.

She's growing up so fast.


We had a great thanksgiving this year!

We started our day off with going to Marty's moms house at noon. There was some great food, football and family! And Mackenzie got to celebrate her birthday!!! She got a water baby, cootie game and a soccer goal and ball. She loves playing with them all!

After Marty's family we went to Doug and Leslie's house. We had even more food and family. And we celebrated Taylor's birthday and Mackenzie got her gifts from Aubt Ney-Ney and Aunt Danielle. Aunt Ney-Ney got her stompies. Slippers with faces, every time she stomps the eyes flip up (open). Danielle got her a furreal friend. When you pet it, it moves its head and wags its tail like a real animal.

All in all it was a great day!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Random Stuff

It's been a long time since I've posted. We've really just been going about our normal routine lately.

Mackenzie's been doing great in school. She's done at the end of the month. She has one swimming session with school on Monday and two more regular classes the last week of November. After that, she's done. She has dance class every Friday and can't cant wait for her recital in May. A long way off, I know, but I'm excited for it.

Next week we are going to have quite a busy week. More busy than normal, for sure. Mackenzie's swimming and Cameron's therapy session on monday, Taylor's birthday and thanksgiving on Thursday, Mackenzie's 3rd birthday and dance class on Friday, her party on Saturday, Marty and my 5th anniversary on Sunday. I also work everyday next week except Thursday.

This week was decently busy too. The kids stayed at Marty's moms Sunday night because Marty and I both had to work. They were there all day Monday as well because Marty didn't get done working before I had my Mary Kay meeting. Tuesday my mom came here to watch the kids for a couple hours because we both had to work again. I was able to make it home in time to get Mackenzie to school. Wednesday, yesterday, we didn't do much. I worked of course. And aunt Jo got into town. I took the kids over to see her and we had dinner. Taylor and Mackenzie got their birthday presents from aunt Jo. Mackenzie got a very cute outfit and a baby doll (in dance clothes)! She decided she had to wear her new outfit today and she hasn't put her doll down since we took it out of the box :) Today was our lazy day. Our only lazy day and it was very enjoyable. Dance class and grocery shopping tomorrow. Work on Saturday. And dinner at dads either tomorrow or Saturday.

Cameron has his 18th month check up on the 26th. A Monday, at 9, so Marty has to take him because I won't be out of work in time to get him there. It'll be the first appointment I'm not at.