Thursday, July 28, 2011

Garage Sales, Beaches and Birthdays!

Instead of getting my maternity clothes, and the kids clothes that they have already grow out of, they're growing so fast, I'm posting on my blog :)

It's hard to believe, Cameron is only 3 months old, but he has grown out of half of his wardrobe. Marty and I have decided, he's going to be wearing the same size as Mackenzie very soon and he'll be much taller than her in no time. He's so tall and her so short. 6 inches separates the 2 of them. Anyhow, they both have a lot of clothes they've grown out of that will be going to the garage sale. Mackenzie also has clothes that still fit her, such as winter pajamas, but they won't fit her when it's cold enough to wear them again. And I am not planning on having any more kids, so bye bye maternity clothes! On top of cleaning out draws and getting rid of clothes that are currently, lets hope I'm able to meet people interested in trying out some Mary Kay and maybe winning the New York, New You makeover contest! Good luck new customers!

Finally, after the garage sale, it's beach time!!! We're all heading to South Haven for the weekend. Hanging out on the beach with Marty and the kids, plus, dad, Carol, Courtney, Danielle and Taylor should be a lot of fun! The kid's have never been to the beach with anyone except me and Marty. Maybe Mackenzie will get more time in the lake since she loves swimming so much. But, obviously she can't be in the lake on her own.

On top of the fact that I love the beach, and a weekend on Lake Michigan is just totally awesome, it's my birthday on Saturday. I get to have my favorite things on my birthday; the beach, my kids, Marty, my family and we're going out for sushi for my birthday dinner! Sounds like a perfect birthday to me!!!

And finally, Cameron's getting his 3 month pictures taken and we're doing our very first family pictures while in South Haven! Now who gets to have family pictures taken at the beach? I know many people have their senior pictures taken, but family pictures, I've never seen it. Sounds pretty cool to me!!!

I'll be posting pictures after the weekend, when all of this has actually happened :)

I can't wait!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

From Fat to 5K

Well, maybe not 5K, but I would like to lose this weight from the babies and the beginning of the marriage.

I have started to eat less and a bit better, which I'm still working on. I have also found a beginning running plan. We also have a stationary bike in the house for those bad weather days when the kids shouldn't be outside. I've been using the bike and I will start running on Monday. After my birthday of course.

Either way, I really need some prayers to start me and keep me running. I absolutely hate running. I hated it when I was in basic training and I still hate it. But hopefully this way I will be able to keep it up. The training plan starts out slow and takes you up to 2 miles, which isn't 5K but oh well, in 8 weeks. Maybe that will keep me motivated.

Wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Getting "Out There"

I've been thinking am I going to build my Mary Kay business? I'm told, "Get yourself out there, that's the best way!" Have you gotten yourself out there with two kids in tow? It's not that easy. So what am I going to do? I book parties, and they're good, but I have trouble getting bookings from them. Then others, get canceled every time I try to coach and keep the appointment. It gets quite annoying sometimes.

I've been chatting with a cousin who makes her own jewelry. She's also having trouble getting "out there" with two kids. So we have an idea! Let's get a booth at a flea market!! Not a bad idea, and booth rental is only $14. Yay! So we're doing that on the morning of Aug. 6th.  I can't wait!!! On top of that, Friday I'm going to my mother-in-laws. She's having a garage sale and said it was fine if I set up there!!! Woo Who! I'm finally "getting out there!"

My only hope now is that it's successful. But the worst that could happen is I sit with good company for a couple hours and people tell me know. I'll at least get some practice  :)


Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Quarter of a Century

Okay, so my birthday's coming up in a week and 2 days!!! Heck yea, I love birthdays, who doesn't? I'm going to be 25 this year. I know that's not ancient, but still. I've been alive for a quarter century.

Last year when Marty turned 25 I made fun of him because, "Haha, you're a quarter century old!!! Don't you feel old? Hahaha!" That's hilarious. And to top it all off he's has a premature receding hair line and a few stray gray hairs. But now, it's my turn and it's not any fun when it's happening to you.

I've just been thinking to myself, this is where it all goes down hill. Just think about it...
 Birth-24 years: The skin on the face if wrinkle free!!!
25 years: The first wrinkles appear on the forehead and under the eyes. Laugh lines become apparent.
30 years: "Crow's feet" develop at the corners of the eyes
40 years: Permanent wrinkles begin to appear in the area from the ears to the neck
50 years: Wrinkles appear around the nose, ear lobes, and chin. The skin is noticeably drier
55 years: Folds form at the nape of the neck and mostly on the areas exposed to sunlight. Hyper-pigmentation of discoloration begins
60 years: Wrinkles around the mouth deepen and the cheeks begin to sag
70 years: Wrinkles begin to overlap, forming a crisscrossing net of creases. Pigmentation is quite evident now

And that's only things on your face. I'm not even going to mention what happens below your neck and how far south that stuff begins to go...especially after kids.

Oh well, nothing I can do about. So I'm going to put on my big girl panties and just deal with it!



Let's get this party started!

Okay, so this is my very first blog. I've never done a blog. I have however written in many different journals, which have all eventually gone to the way side. Hopefully this will stick on my to do list at least once every couple weeks! We'll see :)

Anyways, lets get started! As of today, Mackenzie is 20 months, will be 21 months in 2 days! Such a fun age, she learns new things everyday and it's so cool to witness this, especially when she learns things from you. Except the times when she learns things from you that you wished she didn't. Cameron is 3 months old. This age can be fun as well. The find their hands and feet and begin to be able to do a few things, roll over, reach and grasp. At this point though, he still can't do anything for himself. He can't feed himself, move around on his own. It's when he's able to do those things I can't wait for. I love those times. Something to look forward to!

Normally I don't love kids. Other peoples kids. I can stand them but, I really only like to be around them if they're well behaved and listen to their own parents, and do what they're told. But normally, I just don't love them. However, I love MY kids. I love playing with my kids. I also love time away from my kids. Being a stay at home, really just being a mom, will do that to you. As a stay at home mom, your kids are your job so you need something to get you out of the house for a bit, away from you kids. Working moms have they're jobs to get them out of the house. Not that work is the only thing they can do without their kids, but most days of the week, they get sanity. They get to have adult conversations. Their brain is not turning to mush! Anyways, staying at home with the kids, most days we play and make a huge mess out of the living room! If you don't believe me, come check it out. They have so many toys! They just go all over while we're playing. Sometimes we fill up the kiddie pool out back and play in that. Or rather Mackenzie plays in it. Cameron doesn't like the pool. We also like to go for walks around town, when it's not too hot of course. This week, if you walk outside, you're instantly covered in sweat! So inside and in the pool it's been for us. When I need a little break, we go to Paw Paw to see Jessie and the kids. It's nice, I can say more than no, don't hit, be careful. I get to have actual conversations! Weekends are usually the best. Marty's home!!! It's much easier to take care of two little kids when you have the help of another adult. I don't have to do it all on my own!

Now the fun part, time away from my kids! J/K. Actually, it can be quite fun. I don't have a lot of time away from them. I don't like a lot of time away from them. When they stay the night somewhere, I'm up earlier than when they're home so I can get ready and go pick them up. However, I like some time away from them. I usually get every other Monday evening away, for a couple hours at least. I get to go to Mary Kay unit meetings. It doesn't sound like fun but I totally enjoy it. We talk a lot about skin care and cosmetics but I get to learn a lot also. If there's one thing I really like to do, it's learning new things. I also have other times I get away from my kids. Like when I have Mary Kay parties! It's my job but it sure doesn't feel like work. I have so much fun and I get to meet a lot of new people. In fact, I have a party to do on Saturday and I can't wait! And another one next Friday, I can't wait for that one either! Hopefully, I will get a few bookings from those two and have even more parties! Which is not only fun, but can possibly help with paying some of the bills around here. Lastly, sometimes Marty and I will have mini vacations without the kids. We've gone to Chicago a couple times. That's always fun. We also just have a night out every once in a while. It's good for us, and it's good for Mackenzie and Cameron. It helps them learn that Mommy and Daddy will always come back. We're not going to leave them somewhere forever. It's healthy for all 4 of us.

I think that's enough rambling for now! I'm sure I'll be back, I've enjoyed this :)
